He appeared only in one set:
3315 Olivia's House
So he is quite special!
For about a year and a half, he was the lone male mini-doll in the Friends world.
Even when Andrew and Matthew made their first appearance in the second half year of 2013, Peter was still the only "big guy" in Heartlake city.
Yes, Peter is big compared to the younger males in Heartlake City.
See the difference in arm size and length.
It's not just his torso that shows the appearance of a grown man.
He has facial hair, but in addition to that, even his head mold is made differently from Andrew's. Note the more developed jawline and the larger, triangular-shaped nose.
Andrew's mold appears to be the same as the one and only female head mold.
Peter shares his head mold with all the male mini-dolls from the Disney Princess and Elves sets.
His torso mold is currently used by only two other characters: Luis (Emma's dad) and Kristoff (from Frozen).
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